a year ago
We created for film & series lovers like you. And we've designed the platform with you, our community, in mind. Every action you take - what you watch, like & review - helps others discover great content.
Besides, we love hearing from you almost as much as we love watching stuff!
Thanks @tiahnaparis, @sally, @ozgoeshollywood, @anthemfox, @alisonmclennan, and @sandshoes for sharing your heartfelt and insightful thoughts this month - your reviews are helping your community discover some truly great streaming.
From an indie gem celebrating neuro-diversity to a classic concert flick and the lockdown feelgood breakout of the millennium, here’s some grabs from a few of our favourite reviews across October…
“The narrative, Byrne's bizarre, perfect movement devoid of self consciousness and an exhilarating commitment to an eccentric truth all combine to tell a story that many have drawn parallels to an autistic 'unmasking' and the joy of finally being able to be yourself.”
“It's hilarious, weird and wacky, but also has some very smart, cynical things to say about how African American culture is simultaneously commodified and controlled by White America. There's some great commentary on blaxploitation that both plays homage and pokes fun at the genre.”
“The film captures the journey of soul-searching and self-discovery that can only truly be found in travelling. Losing yourself in another country, out of your comfort zone and with only the clothes on your back and few bucks in your pocket, its very grounding and will teach you exactly who you are.”
“At its core, "Champions" is about more than just basketball. It's a celebration of diversity, highlighting the value of inclusivity in our society. The film encourages viewers to see beyond disabilities, focusing on the shared experiences and aspirations that unite us all.”
“Truth is often stranger than fiction, but nothing could have prepared me for just how unbelievable this sad, frustrating, and unjust true crime story was. As it played out, I found myself unable to walk away from it and literally gasping during every instalment.”
“This show is so much more than just soccer. The writing is heart warming and hilarious, yet touches on deeper topics (relationships between parent/child, LGBTIQA+ issues, fertility, female empowerment, community etc). Ted Lasso strikes that perfect balance of allowing you to comfortably explore all of your emotions - it holds you in a big bear hug and allows your deepest vulnerabilities to surface.”
Themes: Poverty & Inequality / Racial Equity
Streaming on: Netflix
Sure, it’s stylish and sexy, but French thriller Lupin has more than Gallic charm going for it.
The series has been raved for its exploration of race as it tackles themes like identity, class struggle, and systemic injustice… all within the context of a thrilling heist story.
Top Critic Wenlei Ma wrote of Lupin that “Beneath the shiny surface is a story brimming with the rage of inequality and the social consequences of colonialism.”
When we asked around the office, our team loved Omar Sy’s complex protagonist, and that feeling (kinda like Dexter) where you know he’s doing something completely wrong in the eyes of the law, but completely right from a universal justice point of view.
If you haven’t said bonjour to Lupin yet, maybe tonight’s the night. And our runner-up?
Themes: Female Empowerment / LGBTQIA+ / Disability & Divergence
Streaming on: Netflix
A winner since its launch in 2019, naughty Netflix juggernaut Sex Education has consistently pulled praise for its refreshing, bold and unapologetic take on human sexuality.
The show might be bowing out with Season 4 but the inclusivity, heart and humour remains.
It’s grabbed a 91% score on Rotten Tomatoes, who sum things up by saying “As sweetly empathetic and inclusive as ever, Sex Education's final season serves as a bittersweet - but largely satisfying - farewell.”
Shoutout to our devs Mickey and Josin, who’ve been toiling with the ones and zeros across October to give you a new watchlist experience that’s buttery smooth!
Like always, you can still load up your watchlist with any movies & series you like, no matter which platform they’re on. And now, you can track which platforms have the most stuff you watch with our handy platform counter on the side.
It’s a great way to tell which streamers you’re using most (and least) in an instant. Maybe it’s time to give that old subscription you hardly use the flick?
We’re stoked to announce that Dendy Cinemas are our brand new Good Tix partners. From the latest blockbusters to arthouse and international cinema, now you have even more choice of movies that save you money and give to a great cause!
And don’t worry - our existing cinema partners aren’t going anywhere. Click the link below to select your Good Tix from Event, Village, Majestic and Dendy Cinemas around Australia.
Welcome to the party, Dendy!