96 minutes
Marie McLeod is qualified in social work, positive psychology and adult education, yet, like most of us, she has struggled at times. These struggles led to the creation of the ‘How to Thrive’ program.
From James, a successful electrician, to MJ, a family-oriented mother of three, How to Thrive shows how real people experience and deal with setbacks, challenges and achievements.
How to Thrive was directed by Duy Huynh, an Australian who first arrived in the country as a Vietnamese refugee. Duy understands the challenges of resilience in difficult circumstances, and has created the film to help others learn to thrive.
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Marie McLeod is qualified in social work, positive psychology and adult education, yet, like most of us, she has struggled at times. These struggles led to the creation of the ‘How to Thrive’ program.
From James, a successful electrician, to MJ, a family-oriented mother of three, How to Thrive shows how real people experience and deal with setbacks, challenges and achievements.
How to Thrive was directed by Duy Huynh, an Australian who first arrived in the country as a Vietnamese refugee. Duy understands the challenges of resilience in difficult circumstances, and has created the film to help others learn to thrive.
We can't find any streaming sources for How to Thrive right now. Save it to your watchlist and we'll let you know when it comes to streaming or cinemas near you.
Marie McLeod
Positive Psychotherapist
Andrew Kelly
Duy Huynh
Positive Psychotherapist
Marie’s laser-sharp knack for skipping the ‘BS’ and getting to the heart of the problem is matched only by her encyclopaedic knowledge of people’s struggles, and the scientific approaches that work.