Bamby Salcedo, anundocumented transgender Latina human rights activist, organizes her 50th birthday celebration attended by people significant to her life and survival. As she prepares for the event, Bamby travels through LA county and watches her life go by; from the streets where she smoked crack and the Men’s County Jail to journalists and academics she has enlisted for her causes, plush homes of supporters, and communities and organizations she has gathered together to change the lives of transgender people in the United States.
Bamby Salcedo, anundocumented transgender Latina human rights activist, organizes her 50th birthday celebration attended by people significant to her life and survival. As she prepares for the event, Bamby travels through LA county and watches her life go by; from the streets where she smoked crack and the Men’s County Jail to journalists and academics she has enlisted for her causes, plush homes of supporters, and communities and organizations she has gathered together to change the lives of transgender people in the United States.
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More about LA Queenciañera
English, Spanish
Release date
13 August 2021
Pedro Peira
85 mins
LA Queenciañera is a film directed by Pedro Peira and. It has a runtime of 85 minutes.
Impact Films Supported by
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